Wedding Guide

Brett Luing Brett Luing

The Shape of Things to Come?

Could your diamond shape predict your future happiness?

Could your diamond shape predict your future happiness?

"Choosing a diamond engagement ring is a heartfelt decision and the shape you prefer can be deeply revealing," says Jewelers of America, the national organization dedicated to providing consumers with information about fine jewelry.

The Book Diamonds, Love and Compatibility by gemologist Saul Spero claims that your diamond reveals much more than marital status. When shopping with your mate, pay attention to the diamond shape each of you prefers. Pick your top three favorite shapes and see if they reflect your personality:


People who are drawn to round cut diamonds are also drawn to the warmth of the hearth of a cozy home. Your family is a top priority as you eagerly anticipate all the comforts and joys of marriage and motherhood. You enjoy being the reliable "rock" and are easygoing and empathic.


Although your home is the center of your world, you also have an adventurous streak and you enjoy social climbing as much as mountain climbing. You take pride in being a solid citizen and take an active part in your community. You love people and are usually open to widening your circle of friends and acquaintances.


The pointed oval is the pick of an aggressive, experimental fiancee. Your charm, sex appeal and fiery temperament make you a real wild card. If your bride-to-be chooses this ring, you best be sure to be on your toes at all times with her. Your mate will add spice to your life with their outgoing and impulsive natures. People who are drawn to this diamond shape have lots of energy for demanding careers and other challenging endeavors. Your mate must find a way to keep up!

Emerald (rectangle)

Disciplined people who crave order are drawn to this cut. They are agile leaders, but can be a trifle rigid at times. They expect equality. These people are honest and expect to be treated likewise.


You have near to no rough edges, you smoothy you! Favored by individualistic, well-organized, disciplined folks, oval lovers are fun-loving and creative, yet down to earth. You're at your best when you’re using your artistic talents and have a unique style.


The most hopeless romantics in the works choose the heart-shaped diamond. It is the choice of highly emotional types who use their feelings to ignite creative energy. They are prone to be too dependent on their beloved, however. Women who choose this stone are usually very feminine, and they must be romanced tenderly.

Whatever your preference, your diamond is still the symbol of your loving commitment, and your local jeweler will have a wide assortment from which you can select the one that suits your individual personality perfectly.

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